goenKendama Philippines

Author Archive

JKA Kyu Level Waza

Written by goenKendama on .

Here we will cover the Kyu Level Waza (basic level tricks). The Japan Kendama Association (JKA) structures their tricks similar to karate levels with Kyu levels similar to the colored belts and Dan levels equivalent to black belt levels. The first and most basic trick level is 10 kyu: Ōzara/big cup. The hardest of the […]

Start Playing: an intro into kendama play

Written by goenKendama on .

You’ve probably seen videos of guys doing these amazing tricks or maybe your buddies were where you first saw kendama in action. Well none of them started doing tricks like that right away. They needed some basic instruction (from a friend, video, etc.) before they started on the long road to kendama superstar. Here we […]

What to do with your new kendama

Written by goenKendama on .

Well you have a new kendama, now what?  If you’ve already gone through our article, How to pick your first kendama, then you are ready for the next stage.  Here are some tips for kendama preparation prior to playing. If you start playing with your new kendama you will notice that the tip of the […]

goenKendama is now open!

Written by goenKendama on .

Hey, we’re open! goenKendama is now open for business. We are bringing JKA certified kendama and other cool items to the Philippines. One of our main goals is to spread kendama by making access to them more affordable and convenient to purchase. In time we anticipate bringing in specialty items and limited editions as well. […]

Chuu-zara (Base Cup)

Written by goenKendama on .

中皿 – “Chuu-zara” Nail this one and you will have completed the holy trinity of Kendama Cups. This one is a bit trickier than the other cups – the base cup is smaller than the other two cups and it’s located on the other side of the Kendama. To make it easier some people prefer […]

Oo-zara (Big Cup)

Written by goenKendama on .

大皿 – “Oo-zara” This one is Kendama 101. The first trick in the book. You’ve unpacked your new Kendama, it’s all set up, time to nail the big cup. Hold the Ken with the ball hanging down. Pull the Ken up so the ball flicks into the air. Catch the ball on the big cup. […]

Ko-zara (Little Cup)

Written by goenKendama on .

小皿 – “Ko-zara” The logical progression once you have mastered the art of the big cup. Time to make things a bit trickier and start catching the ball with the little cup instead. Start with the Ken in your hand and the ball hanging down. Flick the ball into the air and catch it in […]

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