goenKendama Philippines

How to keep a kendama bearing from binding

Written by goenKendama on .

  This shows how to use heat shrink tubing to shape the knot and keep it from bridging the inner ring and outer rings of the kendama bearing.  It also helps keep the knot from coming undone which seems to happen more frequently when using bearings.  On this site you can pick up a Lightning […]

How to Fix Loose Cups on a Kendama

Written by goenKendama on .

Tape, paper, or glue what is your favorite way to fix loose cups on a kendama?  This is ours.  The bands don’t disintegrate like regular rubber bands and they slip under the saradō easier.  The Goody bands are available at our shop.  We repackage 3-4 to a set since most people won’t need 250.

A video intro to goenKendama

Written by goenKendama on .

A little something we put together for Youtube.  A friend of goenKendama calls it the “Fast & the Furious” edit. Most of the photos were shot at an Oh No Manga event and the go-en 2nd Anniversary Matsuri. Kendama in the Philippines, we’re rockin’ it.

How to make a purchase from our site

Written by goenKendama on .

how to buy a kendama

We have received a number of messages and calls about the payment and shipping options on our site so we thought we would try to clear things up a bit. In an effort to keep things simple we’ve chosen to use direct bank deposit through PNB and delivery by LBC as the preferred methods on […]

How to prep & glue a kendama tip

Written by goenKendama on .

Putting glue on the tip of your kendama’s spike isn’t mandatory but it helps keep the point from wearing down and becoming flat.  It also can help smooth the entry when you spike the ball by cutting down on the friction between the tip and the walls of the hole.

How to tie a slip knot

Written by goenKendama on .

At some point you will probably want to change the string on your kendama or disassemble it for other maintenance.  Here’s a freeze frame progression that shows how to tie a slip knot.  This is the same knot used on many brands of kendama and is specifically recommended by Yamagata Koubou  for their Ozora.

Chuu-zara (Base Cup)

Written by goenKendama on .

中皿 – “Chuu-zara” Nail this one and you will have completed the holy trinity of Kendama Cups. This one is a bit trickier than the other cups – the base cup is smaller than the other two cups and it’s located on the other side of the Kendama. To make it easier some people prefer […]

Oo-zara (Big Cup)

Written by goenKendama on .

大皿 – “Oo-zara” This one is Kendama 101. The first trick in the book. You’ve unpacked your new Kendama, it’s all set up, time to nail the big cup. Hold the Ken with the ball hanging down. Pull the Ken up so the ball flicks into the air. Catch the ball on the big cup. […]

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